Custody of children is not as accessible as the media portrays it, and custody hearings do not result in the mother being awarded a child’s custody. The situation becomes more challenging when the parents have divorced, are single, or live far apart.
That’s why many parents concerning divorce hire a child custody attorney in Hemet to guide them through every legal entanglement and struggle for custody of their child.
Most state regulations identify custody as one or both parents responsible for the child’s wellbeing. When most individuals consider custody, they envision physical custody. This relates to where a child grows up daily, which may be given to one.
Judicial custody is a relevant fact initially referred to as the right to make meaningful choices about a child’s health care and schooling.
Every state has a unique family law, along with custody case laws. Despite popular belief, the family court system does not favour one parent over another based on gender, nor do they favour one form of possession over another. In most custody battles, there are different types of visitation and custodial rights and protections available, which are described below:
Physical Custody Shared
When a judge grants joint legal custody, the child is split between the mom and dad.
The child may continue living with each parent for a specific amount of time, allowing the child to splurge equal time with both parents. Joint physical custody should not be confused with circumstances in which one parent has parental rights but grants permission to visit the other. This type of child possession is suitable for parents who can put aside their differences and reach choices together in the child’s best interest.
Mutual Legal Custodial Rights
Whenever it is time to make choices for the child’s interests, the judges give no priority to either parent. However, based on various factors, the court may grant one parent the authority to decide for the baby in certain circumstances.
It is not to be doubtful with joint legal guardianship, in which the child spends equal time with every parent. Instead, joint custody is predicated on the parents’ wish to agree to allow their child. “Joint Custody” refers to either joint legal or joint primary custody, and the terms are frequently used interchangeably.
A court may appoint one of the parents to make important life choices for the kid, such as academic achievement, health insurance, religious practice, and social wellbeing. This does not preclude both parents from making important decisions together; moreover, in situations where there would be too much conflict, the judge will usually grant sole custody.
The children’s primary caregiver has the legal right to make choices on their own, even if they go against the other parent’s wishes.
The capabilities of the non-custodial parent to have “parenting time” is commonly referred to as visitation. Even if the child lives with the legal parent, the court allows them to have contact with the other parent for a defined time.
This is largely determined by the specific facts of each family’s financial situation. When determining visitation timetables, a judge will consider the parents’ schedules, the kid’s safety, prior early childhood history, educational locations, and the parent/preference.